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About me

Hi, my name is Bryan Hong (he/him). I'm currently a Postdoctoral Fellow studying memory and aging with Dr. Morgan Barense at the University of Toronto. Broadly, my research investigates how we remember—specically, how does the associative structure of memory affect how we encode, organize, and retrieve information? I am particularly interested in studying this in the context of autobiographical memory, or memory for our personal past. Additionally, my work aims to translate our current understanding of memory to develop technologies and interventions that can help mitigate memory loss. In my free time, you can probably find me digging through old vinyl at a record store, taking a walk in the park, or trying out a new recipe.

To get in touch, you can contact me via email here.

Headshot photo of Bryan Hong.

© 2024 Bryan Hong

Last updated: 01-Sep-2024